법무법인 트리니티







Tae Kwon Kim


Intellectual property, Fair Competition, Corporate



Professional Experience

Trinity Legal, Partner (2022 - Present)
Gaon Law Group, Partner (2021)
Bae, Kim & Lee LLC, Partner & Associate (2009 - 2020)


University of Southern California (U.S.), LL.M. (2017)
Judicial Research and Training Institute of the Supreme Court of Korea (38th Class, 2009)
Admitted to the Korean Bar (48th Korean Bar Exam, 2006)
Korea University, Department of Law / Department of Electronics (2005)


Admitted to practice law in Korea


Numerous representations of IP invalidation actions before the Patent Court and the Supreme Court, and invalidation and scope confirmation trials. IP trial experiences included trials relating to semiconductor inspection devices, display inspection devices, airbag devices, refrigerant devices, forming compression devices, VOD services, automatic ordering services, and card payment systems.

Numerous representations in IP correction trials, cancellation of registrations, challenge against final rejections, invalidation of amendment rejections, appeal against amendment rejections.

Numerous representations in IP-related litigations for trade secret infringement actions before civil and criminal courts relating to emission reduction devices, navigation systems, ERP programs, CVD repair equipment, optical lenses, audio technology, and plasma technology.

Numerous representations in lawsuits involving theft of technology and utility designs relating to, among others, TV broadcasting technology, architectural methods, odor removal technology, robotics technology, and household appliance technology.

Multiple representations advising on IP ownership of employee inventions, including preparing of employment policies (including, employee invention bonus and compensation schemes). Representation includes major corporate clients involving inventions relating to memory chip technology, text input technology, secondary battery materials technology, LTE broadband technology, wiring technology, and new biopharmaceutical formula and drug product.

Representations in system integration dispute involving bank computer systems, cyber university systems, e-commerce website, and logistics management systems.

Multiple representations in enforcement of copyrights in civil litigation for damages compensation and filing complaints and defending clients in criminal prosecution for copyright infringement.

Multiple representations in trademark infringement cases included protection and infringement lawsuits relating to department store payment systems, precision inspection equipment programs, design programs, 3D videos, bidding proposals and planning materials, drama scripts, lecture materials, and copyrighted presentation materials.

Multiple representations in enforcement of trademark rights in civil litigation for damages compensation and filing complaints and defending clients in criminal prosecution for trademark infringement. Clients included companies in the following sectors: telecommunications, bed manufacturers, hospital brands, visual art companies, consumer products companies, and restaurant franchises.

Advised start-up and technology companies with respect to protection of new technologies and inventions.


Korean and English
