12 Months Woori Clothing Cooperative Standing Advisor (Present)
Advisory Committee Member, Korea Housing Builders Association (Present)
Auditor of Yeongdeok Scholarship Foundation (Present)
Rotary International District 3600 Finance Chairperson (2017 - 2018)
Seodaemun Internet News Editor-in-Chief (2016)
CEO of HWD&H Co., Ltd. (Currently)
Kyunghee International Graduate School of Law 23rd President the Alumni Association (2009)
Programmer under KORAS (1992 - 1993)
Gangnam University, Ph.D. in Taxation (2014)
Kyunghee University, Master of International Law (2010)
Korea Cyber University, B.A. in English Literature (2008)
Korean Red Cross Nanum Herose (Present)
Advised Korea National Open University E-Learning Society (present)
Advised on government accounting research by the Social Security Information Service under the Health and Welfare (2018)
Lecture on tax law for professional Golfers group in Gangseo district belonging to Jack Nicklaus (2004 - 2005)
Acquired Level 1 Negotiation Expert from Korea Association of Mediation & Arbitration (2011)
Acquisition of Information processing industry qualification from Human Resources Development Service of Korea (1994)
Awards Certificate from the President of Yonsei University Future Education Center (2017)